This is the handsome Jett, who came into Uni Vets Camden because the heatwave proved too much for him (especially with his thick, black fur)! Like humans, pets can suffer from heat stress when they’re exposed to extreme temperatures. However, unlike humans, dogs can’t produce sweat to cool their body down. While they can release…
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Heart disease
Heart disease is a common condition seen at Uni Vets Camden. It can present as either congenital (from birth) or acquired (later in life), however acquired cases are more common. Acquired heart disease most often involves either the valves of the heart or the heart muscle itself. Animals can also present with issues with their…
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Non-surgical ways to neuter male dogs
Did you know there are non-surgical ways to neuter your male dog? Suprelorin implants are a form of reversible fertility control for male dogs. It involves injecting an implant under the skin between the shoulder blades that releases a slow and continuous dose of Deslorelin. Deslorin is a hormone that suppresses the production of reproductive…
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Keeping your pet at a healthy weight
Obesity in your pet can lead to many serious diseases including diabetes, musculoskeletal problems, liver disease, and breathing problems, all of which can compromise their quality and length of life. Although age and breed can contribute to obesity, we humans are in control of many of the other main causes of obesity in our pets.…
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